Friday, December 28, 2007

Hmmm.... I spent all day in airports, yet somehow I'm still in NC!

I will skip out the news of yesterday, as it makes me cringe. Summary: US Air sucks ass, I yelled and chased a gate worker down the terminal as 200 people watched in silence, I attempted to break FAA regs, and finally got driven back to GSO..... then I slept, and it got better today, even though I missed my international flight last night, and 2 days in Ayuthaya.... not the worst that could happen, as I managed to snag the last seat on 2 new flights on Saturday.

Wonderful news! I talked to many many people again today... probably 10... at 2 different airline companies, and many people at each company. It was very easy to find a new ticket from Greensboro - Charlotte - New York (Newark); I just went to the ticket office in Greensboro, and they were very nice to me. However, my flight leaves very very early! I did this so I can be sure I will arrive in New York in time, and fly to Stockholm and Bangkok, arriving 31 December at 10:15. That was good news #1.

Good news #2 is that Malaysia Air is the nicest airline I've ever dealt with (besides the manager at NWA this summer, who graciously let me change a totally non-changeable ticket by 5 days and a very different departure city!) They waved the $100 transfer fee for my ticket, due to my situation, even though I canceled my flight only 2 hours before slated departure. Thanks Malaysia!

So, to be sure, and to account for the rainy conditions in the Northeast, I have a beautious red-eye departing at 6am for CLT - EWR. Yeeeeehaww!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Return

Hello-goodbye, everyone. I began my return to SE Asia today, flying the distance to Charlotte, and encountering my first delays... beautiful. 5:45 to Newark, then across the ocean to Europe - my first time there. In total, 5 flights... it's been a while since I've been in this part of the world, and it'll be another while before I arrive! I'm keeping a low profile on this trip.... not traveling this time... it'll be a different experience for sure. Please keep in touch during this time, I will send out all my local contact info in about a week. If you haven't received it by then, please email me at and I'll shoot it your way. Best of luck, and a happy new year! -Nat