Friday, June 6, 2008

the constant spewing of small business ideas...or...commune!

Dear fellow free-baller,

We must unite! ..for the time may be short for those (myself) who find it difficult to reside in this place. Anyway, here's yet another spew...bleah! blargh!

Heard of Etsy ? It is the handmade zone for eBay/amazon-like activity. It could be the next place to sell your work, and create a steady stream of income to finance your more artistic endeavors. We both understand the need for such a stream. It is more focused than eBay, with seemingly high selling prices, as it may tap into that 'love artistic different stuff that mass manufacturers don't make in the USA, and I'm a little indie too, and have money to spend' crowd. Despite the omen's of $200/barrel oil and recession, people buy style.

Seriously though, there are some dopey folk selling crap-o-la on here... you could bust that out in approximately 15 minutes, including a wizz break. Just don't use your real name... then they'll never know. You could even make it seem like it's your gf who is creating everything. Could be fun, and more importantly in these dire times.... PROFITABLE!

Gimme some truth! (and some money, please).

This message feuled by M-150 Devotion Sacrifice Courage Thai energy drink. all this inspiration for $0.30 ?!?! oink. Check out the Secret Machines and Blonde Redhead.
Oh yeah, MAMA kicks Ramen's dehydrated ass!

Best Regards,